
James White on Rabbi Tovia Singer

I found this video to be extraordinarily interesting for several reasons. First, it’s interesting to see James White gushing over Rabbi Singer’s embrace of Tanakh and his anguish over Christians…

Hitler, God, and The Bible by Ray Comfort

I bumped into this title on Audible and I was fascinated. Ray Comfort is a Christian minister. Moreover, his mother was Jewish. Therefore, this had to be an incredibly uncomfortable…

When Life Feels Like A Wilderness

Reverend Aaron White is one of my favorite preachers in the world. If you’re not a Unitarian Universalist (and you’re probably not) his sermons will be unusual to you. So…

Do Morals Prove The Existence of God?

You’ll see this argument play out 2 different ways. Often you’ll see Christians argue that atheists have no moral standard because they reject God. There is a flip side to…

What Do We Mean By “Word of God”?

Is every word of The Bible the inspired word of God? That depends on who you ask. I already know the prevailing Christian views on the subject. However, I wanted…