
Who Wrote the Fourth Gospel?

In John 21:20-25 we read about the “disciple whom Jesus loved.” He is credited with being the author of the Gospel, but he is never identified by name. This struck…

Can Isaiah 53 Be A Distant Prophecy?

It’s no secret. Ask a Rabbi about Isaiah 53. He will tell you it is a prophecy about the righteous remnant in the end times. Ask a pastor, and he…

Isaiah 53 Explained In Context

When looking at any passage of scripture, we must read it in context to have any hope of understanding it. This article will not be about the debate as to…

The Direct Object in Isaiah 7:14

I recently watched a video (see below) where a Messianic Christian was calling out an Orthodox Rabbi for saying that Matthew mistranslated Isaiah 7:14 when it quotes the passage while…

Is The Bible Opposed to Abortion?

Since the church is generally opposed to abortion, people tend to assume that the Bible is likewise opposed. However, this is not the case. The Bible never directly weighs in…

Deuteronomy 13 and Progressive Revelation

Progressive Revelation is the Christian doctrine that God reveals himself and his plan progressively over the course of the entire Christian Bible. There is a famous Christian quote that sums…