
Who Wrote the Fourth Gospel?

In John 21:20-25 we read about the “disciple whom Jesus loved.” He is credited with being the author of the Gospel, but he is never identified by name. This struck…

Was Luke Quoting The Septuagint?

The New Testament has a problem. Quite often when it “quotes” Tanakh, it changes the language of the Hebrew Scriptures. Although some of these changes can be attributed to translation…

Out Of Egypt I Have Called My Son

In the book of Matthew we find several prophecy fulfillment citations. In other words, a thing happened to fulfill a prior prophecy. I plan to take a look at all…

Writing Your Own Gospel vs Harmonization

Recently I watched a series of videos by Pastor Mike Winger on Biblical contradictions. In one of the videos he addresses Bart Ehrman and unfortunately makes some spurious claims. The…