Who Wrote the Fourth Gospel?
In John 21:20-25 we read about the “disciple whom Jesus loved.” He is credited with being the author of the Gospel, but he is never identified by name. This struck…
Does Genesis 18 & 19 Support the Trinity?
This is a fairly common claim in Christian apologetics. Genesis 18 & 19 show the Trinity at work in the life of Abraham, and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.…
Can Isaiah 53 Be A Distant Prophecy?
It’s no secret. Ask a Rabbi about Isaiah 53. He will tell you it is a prophecy about the righteous remnant in the end times. Ask a pastor, and he…
Isaiah 53 Explained In Context
When looking at any passage of scripture, we must read it in context to have any hope of understanding it. This article will not be about the debate as to…
The Direct Object in Isaiah 7:14
I recently watched a video (see below) where a Messianic Christian was calling out an Orthodox Rabbi for saying that Matthew mistranslated Isaiah 7:14 when it quotes the passage while…
Is The Bible Opposed to Abortion?
Since the church is generally opposed to abortion, people tend to assume that the Bible is likewise opposed. However, this is not the case. The Bible never directly weighs in…
Is The Book of Enoch Scripture?
In response to a short by Inspiring Philosophy, I created this short about the Book of Enoch. Is the Book of Enoch scripture? There’s no doubt that the Book of…
Was Jesus a Failed Apocalyptic Prophet?
In this video I will be responding to Inspiring Philosophy and his video on the question. Here I will summarize my video. For the full story, the video is posted…
Was The Sin of Sodom Homosexuality?
In the video I did on this topic, I look at a sermon preached by James White on the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. I agree with several of his…
The Heresy of the Apostle Paul
After the death of Judas who betrayed Jesus, the disciples gathered to select his successor. They prayed for divine discernment in making their selection. They cast lots, and the lot…
Did Christians Change Psalm 22?
Today I am looking at a discussion between two Christian heavyweights, Dr. James White and Dr. Michael Brown. They are discussing the underlying word behind "they pierced" in Psalm 22:16.
Is Jesus Actually A Descendant of David?
The only scriptural way that I am aware of to make the claim that Jesus is a descendant of David is to dismiss the virgin birth as mythical. This is…